Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2nd day of school/little miss clean...

today when i went to pick K up from school her teacher told me, "today she missed you a little but she got over it pretty quickly." it made me feel good to a) know that she does think of me when i'm gone and b) she's resilient and recovers quickly. her teacher also said, "she really likes to wash her hands. we washed them before snack and after but i think she wanted to wash them more". that made me laugh. anyone who know dill well knows that he is a germophobe and washes his hands constantly. i guess like daddy, like daughter...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

first day of school...

today was k's 1st day of preschool. and she did great! she walked into the classroom, introduced herself to her teachers, gave them her snacks, and started playing. i took some pictures and told her that i was leaving. she said "ok, bye". i called dill and asked "is it a bad thing that our daughter didn't make a fuss about me leaving?" on the one hand i'm very happy (and not really surprised) that she felt comfortable and confident enough to stay on her own. but at the same time i was a little sad that she didn't seem to need me. my baby is growing up. here are a few photos of k...

in her classroom...

with her backpack...
