Saturday, November 1, 2008

viva las vegas...

dill had a conference in vegas. so karys, grandma elmore and i decided to tag along. we enjoyed the warm weather, visited one of dill's former colleagues and her family, did a lot or walking and k, dill and i even went to see the cirque de soleil show mystere. as usual, k had a wonderful time. she juggled with the performers at the venetian, clapped throughout mystere, danced with the temptations cover band during dinner, did a lot of walking and people watching and enjoyed the attention she got by wearing her halloween costume (a ladybug) in the airport. she really has fun where ever she goes. it's so fun to see the excitement in her eyes when she see experiences things for the first time.

here are a few photos...

trying on a pink cowgirl hat outside the rain forest cafe (which we had to leave early b/c K was afraid of the animals)

with grandma elmore at the luxorin the venetian


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