Saturday, July 26, 2008

10 months...

thinking about cloth diapering...

i'm thinking about using cloth diapers (even though i said i didn't think i ever would--guess this may be another "my plan vs. reality" switch). baby cheapskate is offering a cloth diaper give-away contest. check it out (b.t.w. baby cheapskate is a great site). if i win it will make my decision to change to cloth diapers easy. i hope i win...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

10 steps...

k took 10 steps today. my mom kept telling her how i walked when i was 8 1/2 month old. so i think she was trying to step it up (pun intended) and at least walk before her 10 month birthday. so she's not a proficient "walker" ( and she still prefers to crawl) but "technically" she can walk...

Friday, July 18, 2008

walk to daddy...

K can walk! she has been standing (on her own) for a little while. the past couple of days (while we were in jersey and dill was in ny) she's been standing for longer and longer periods of time. when dill came down to meet us i told K to walk to daddy. and she did. well actually she only took two steps but it's a start. go baby go. walking to her daddy...


Monday, July 14, 2008

more, more, more

k has been watching the signing time DVDs for the last two months or so. originally i didn't really want her to watch TV but i caved. i usually let her watch it while i take a shower. well about two weeks ago i thought she was doing the sign for milk (dill wasn't so convinced). and yesterday when i was feeding her i asked if she wanted some more and she actually did the sign for more! yay baby...


Thursday, July 3, 2008


k is crusin (walking while holding on to stuff). my little girl is growing up so fast...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

she can stand...

k stood on her own for the first time today...