Monday, March 31, 2008

a little fish...

k (and i) started a swim class last tuesday (3/25). it's not really lessons, more like a mommy & me in the water. we play games, sing songs, and "swim" for an hour. she LOVED the class. she stayed in the water for the whole hour (which is longer than most other infant swim "classes") and didn't cry or fuss once. she put her face in the water and even kicked her feet. she's a little fish. check her out...

right before the swim class

in her bakini in the water

Friday, March 28, 2008

photo friday (3/28)...

i know it's been awhile since i've had a photo friday (i've been a slacker!) but this one should make up for it. karys had professional photos taken (by christie adams) this wednesday (k's 6th month birthday). i really liked the way they turned out. enjoy...

you can view the rest of the photos from the photo shoot by going to and clicking the "proofing" section. the password for the gallery is Karys (with a capital K).


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

6 months old...

today is k's half birthday. i can't believe she's half a year old. here she is in her 6 month monthsie...

these are the greatest of pictures but it was really hard to get miss k to sit still on her rocker.


so much to blog...

i have been so behind in blogging. i wish i could say i was that it was because i was finishing my dissertation but no such luck--i'm working on it but it's not done :( anyway, i have a lot of catching up to do. must post about our trip to denver, karys' first time eating solid food, easter, k's swim class, her 6 month birthday...

hopefully this weekend i'll go through the (1000+) photos this weekend and post them by monday...


Monday, March 24, 2008

easter (and mom-mom's birthday)...

k spent eater/mom-mom's birthday with mom-mom, pop-pop, and auntie shonna. here are a few photos:

the night before (this photo of kanaiya with rollers in her hair brings back memories--oh how i remember the days of "getting ready for easter")
k in her easter dress
after church with jorden, nanny, kanaiya, and mommy caroline
with aunt clarietta and kanaiya
with auntie shon and kanaiyathe "k girls"-ty

Monday, March 17, 2008


dill had a conference in denver (rom 3/11 to 3/16) so k and i tagged along. this was k's 2nd time flying. the first time she flew (when we went to aruba) she was a doll. she slept for most of the flight. this time (since she's older) i was a little anxious about how she'd do (i'm sure the passengers seated around up were anxious too). on the way to denver she did great (slept most of the way) and even drank (my) water from a cup (for the first time)! she liked the cup so much we went out and bought her a sippy. she on the way back she was a little fussy. nothing major but she did cry some. but i was proud of my baby girl! she's turning out to be a little traveler...

while in denver we went to the aquarium, the zoo, and garden of the gods. we also did a lot of walking on the 16th street mall and karys are avocado for the first time (she didn't like it). we had a good time but i don't have too many photos because i accidentally deleted them (along with the thousands of other ones i took over the past three months) from my SLR camera. (needless to say) i was upset about the "deletion". here are some photos from the 2nd half of our trip...


Friday, March 7, 2008

bon appetite...

k had her first solids today. rice cereal. at first she couldn't figure out what to do with the spoon but by the end of the "meal" she was feeding herself. but (like most babies) she had more on her bib than in her mouth. take a look...


Thursday, March 6, 2008


k seems really interested in food so i gave her a momsicle (a cube of frozen mommy milk in a feeder bag) today. she loved the. i guess we may start her on solids a little earlier than planned...


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

bounce baby bounce...

k in her jump-a-roo. bounce baby bounce...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

red shoes...

i think k's little red shoes (from her great grandmother-mommy caroline) are the cutest...
